KNOWLEDGE BASE OF GASLIFT WELL OPERATION As a result of development and operation of petroleum deposits, we gained a big scientific and practical experience on different directions of this many-sided area. Unfortunately, this experience is inaccessible in an operative mode to the engineers responsible for making decisions. This way it naturally reduces quality of management and does not allow using all potential of available resources. Knowledge base allows uniting knowledge of many experts: scientists and practitioners with the opportunities of modern information technology. The base provides not only gathering, accumulation, constant updating and distribution of available experience, but also allows optimizing the decision making process for experts without having encyclopedic knowledge. The base of knowledge can become an information basis for making sound (due to generation of regulating influences on permanent model) and optimal (due to use of adaptive optimization algorithms) administrative decisions. Efficiency of the knowledge base depends on correctness of formalization and structure of available knowledge on concrete subjects. The given knowledge base of engineering and gaslift well operation technology includes GOST, OST, RD, STP, catalogues, patents, copyright certificates, dissertations, monographies, reviews, reports, publications, situational data, algorithms of engineering decision making, the mathematical models simulating work of separate elements and a whole well. Decisions on a choice of subsurface equipment and optimization of technological modes should be accepted in conditions of incomplete information, therefore at the construction of expert system it is planned to use probabilistic approach and elements of indistinct multitudes. With a view of updating the gaslift knowledge base for its scientific (noncommercial) use, we offer to persons and organizations, having the information relevant to gaslift well operation theory and practice, a favorable exchange of the information on the given theme. We are willing to exchange your sheets (made according to GOST 7.32-91 or ISO 5966-82) about gaslift on twice as many sheets of our information of your choice from the list given below (Scientific Researches). |